How Sourcing is the Key to Recruitment Success

by Carrie Kolar

How_Sourcing_is_the_Key_to_Recruitment_SuccessFor the recruiting process to work best, you need to have a reliable source of top-tier applicants. In this week’s RPOA Roundup, we examine the difference between sourcing and recruiting, what habits, actions and metrics make sourcing successful, and take a look at an innovative sourcing program to determine how sourcing is the key to recruitment success.

The Seven Highly Effective Habits of Sourcing by @JimStroud – ERE Media - @ERE_net

In every activity, there are habits you can cultivate that will contribute to your success. In this article, sourcing expert Jim Stroud recommends his top seven habits for becoming and being a highly talent sourcer. He recommends that talent sourcing professionals be curious about new technology and trainings, apply new tools to sourcing, connect with potential talent by being enthusiastic about their specialties and authentic their interactions, and to leverage data, knowledge of the competition, and an expert reputation to effectively source top talent.

Why Sourcing Isn’t Recruiting and the Impact on Hiring – Yoh - @YohCorporate

As sourcing becomes an increasingly specialized field, the difference between recruiters and sourcing professionals becomes more important. This article describes the historical difference between the two positions, and how that difference has developed into two distinct roles today. It also warns about the negative results of collating the two positions into the role of the recruiter, stating that it causes delays in the overall recruiting process, and recommends  breaking down the costs of the your recruiting process to determine whether you would benefit from having, or outsourcing, a single, dedicated sourcing person to support your talent acquisition efforts.

Google’s Rabbit Hole – Innovatively Sourcing Top Talent Based on Their Search Words – ERE Media - @ERE_net

Google has become a byword for innovation, so it’s no surprise that their innovative bent is applied to their sourcing and recruiting processes. They recently ran a recruiting problem called “rabbit hole,” which identified talent based on the advanced terminology typed into the Google search bar in the course of daily work, and used coding puzzles and problems to excite and interest the potential talent while assessing their skill set. This article examines the benefit of this kind of “seeing their work” sourcing, suggests how other companies can benefit from following Google’s example, and recommends ways that companies can implement similar programs of their own.

Passive Candidate Sourcing: Why It’s Always Hunting Season – Yoh - @YohCorporate

To recruit top talent, you need to be communicating with them long before the actual recruiting process begins. This article recommends building lines of communication into top talent communities before you need them, to establish a presence that you can use to convert contacts to candidates when you need to. It suggests three important actions to take to build those communication lines, including interviewing and talking with people in your industry to keep your finger on the talent community’s pulse, networking for the jobs you have open tomorrow, not today, and making everyone in your company responsible for recruiting. It ends by emphasizing how employees can be the best brand ambassadors and company promoters you have.

Sources of Hire: The Signal to Noise Metric in Candidate Sourcing – RPOA – @RPOAssociation

When sourcing and recruiting talent for any position, you will have to go through a number of applicants before you strike gold. A measurement that can be used to determine which sources have the best applicant-to-hire ratio is called the signal to noise metric. This article describes the signal to noise metric as measuring the difference between where candidates come from to apply and those that get interviewed, then receive an offer, then actually get hired. For example, if you have 1,000 applicants from a particular source and 10 hires, your signal to noise metric would be 1%. It recommends using the metric as a way to tell which source to focus effort on, though it cautions readers from dismissing sources with lower signal-to-noise percentages. Sometimes the best hires can come from unexpected places.



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