Hiring, Firing, Resumes, and Other Recruiting News of the Week

by Allison Reilly

hiring recruiting newsThis week's roundup of hiring and recruiting news is a good one! Everything we have below involves the act of hiring, firing, and resumes. We've shared a lot about recruiting processes, talent acquisition, and employment branding, but not a whole lot about reading a resume, saying "You're hired!", and saying "You're fired!". The top news articles from this week are changing that. Enjoy!

Here's Why Your Employee Referral Program Isn't Working - TLNT - Referral is the number one source of hire, and those sourced through referrals often stay longer and are of better quality than those found through other sources. So, if you're company isn't getting the referrals that it wants or needs, then what's going on? Rewards and automation are just two ways to improve your employee referral program.

Lying on a Resume: Is It Ever Okay? - The Hiring Site - A 2012 CareerBuilder survey found that 38 percent of employees have embellished their job responsibilities at some point, while 18 percent have lied about their skill sets. Spotting these lies may be close to impossible prior to the initial hire, if the hire even happens. Is lying on a resume forgivable, perhaps in the case of someone who performs their duties well? Or perhaps with someone who lied about something that didn't have much impact on their day-to-day tasks or on the hiring decision?

Fire Fast: Too Many People in a Firing Decision Can Be Hazardous to Your Career - The HR Capitalist - This is a great case study with Rutgers University on how a lack of action in firing somebody cost one other person their job, but also gave the university a lot of additional bad press. Perhaps a big process in deciding whether or not to fire someone is the best idea, whether or not the person was emotionally abusing others or is just not the best at his/her position.

Why You Can't Get a Job... Recruiting Explained by the Numbers - Ere.net - I don't know about you, but I was blown away by some of these numbers. I didn't know that only 17 percent of recruiters actually read the cover letter (never mind how many job postings actually ask for one). Who knew that PDF resumes can't be scanned by an applicant tracking system, so submitting one lowers your chances (never mind now many job applications say its okay to submit PDF format resumes)?

Is HR Still in a Bad Mood? - China Gorman - Probably China. This article is about that big gap between employers with positions to fill and the fact that the unemployment rate is still high and that there's plenty of people who need jobs. We're still talking about this issue even a year after this article came out. Although, the issue could be that most organizations need to rethink how they manage talent or simply need to do a better job of managing that talent.

Prepare for Working with an RPO Partner - The RPO Hub - If you need help with your recruiting process, or with outsourcing all/some of your recruiting, then the first thing you need to do is assess your current recruitment processes and strategies. This way, you can come in strong with an RPO partner and be able to develop a strategy that makes a difference with your organization. Essentially, you need to do your homework so that you can be clear about your needs with your potential RPO partner.

Related Links:

4 Top Recruiting Challenges for 2013

How to Choose an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) for Recruiting

Overcoming the Biggest Challenge in Hiring and Recruiting

Are hiring and recruiting the trouble areas for your organization? If so, then join us for our June 5 webinar,"Amazing Charts & Stats About Candidate Sources for 2013."

This webinar on June 5 will feature interesting hiring stats about job board performance including CareerBuilder, Craig's List, DICE, Indeed, Job Central, (The) Ladders, Monster, Simply Hired as well as compelling hiring stats about social networks including LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. These amazing charts and stats may change your hiring strategy for the rest of 2013

Register below to for hour-long webinar:

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