Hiring and Recruiting News: Employee Engagement

by Allison Reilly

hiring and recruiting newsJust how do you keep employees engaged, excited about their work and the company they work for? That’s exactly the question everyone’s asking, and there’s not one-size-fits-all solution to this problem. It depends on who’s engaged and who’s not, what company culture is, and who your employees even are. Need some help clearing the confusion? Here are the top hiring and recruiting news stories of the week, primarily discussing employee engagement.

Want to Engage High-Potential Employees? Don’t Take Them for Granted – TLNT – Employee engagement isn’t about getting them to do more, to like their employers, and to like their jobs. It’s actually about recognizing them and making them feel valuable, which starts with leadership. This article offers six tips to better engage your top performers and high-potential employees. Take them to heart, as it’s too easy for these folks to find an organization that will appreciate what they bring to the table.

The Tip of the Engagement Spear – China Gorman – If you didn’t believe the first article, then the data points in this article prove that managers have a direct influence in employee engagement. In fact, employees trust their managers more than the executives, which is not surprise. Gorman argues that engaged employees have other factors that motivate them, while less-engaged employees are far more dependent on knowing their manager personally to reach higher levels of engagement.

Generation lazY – The Seamless Workforce – Twenty and thirty somethings are often stereotype for being lazy and entitled, unaware of what it means to go without or to do things without distraction. But is this stereotype getting in the way of hiring great, young talent? Generation Y may be all kinds of things, but as technology natives (and young professionals willing to learn), they could be valuable assets to your organization and someone you can train to provide your company those vital skills.

Want Productive Employees? Treat Them Like Adults – Harvard Business Review – This is a great piece about trust: trust your employees to do the right thing, to work hard, and to meet your needs. Distrust only leads to more distrust. Written by a CEO who has embodied trust in employees that work from home and even work abroad, he says that this trust has kept great employees with the company and working at their very best.

Why Time to Hire is the Worst Recruiting Metric of Them All – Fistful of Talent – What hiring and recruiting metrics do you use to measure how well you are doing? Time to hire might be one of them, maybe even the only metric you have, but this author argues it’s not the best metric to use. It takes time to find the best talent, and this metric tends to emphasize speed over quality while revealing little about the efficiency of your recruiting process.

Shaky on Your Staffing Firm Knowledge? – The Hiring Site – A short and sweet explanation of staffing firms i.e the permanent staffing firms, the temp-to-perm, and the temporary. When deciding on a staffing solution (or a recruitment process outsourcing solution), you need to know what your exact needs and goals are for hiring and recruiting. If not, then finding a successful solution will be difficult.

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