Improving You, Your Employment Brand and Other RPO News

by Allison Reilly

improving your employment brandThis week's hiring and recruiting news roundup takes a twist that's different from our previous roundups: it's all about you. Not just articles informing you about different strategies and developments, or articles discussing the latest trends that you ought to know about, but articles that are about you. This week's roundup features articles that are meant to help you be a better you, whether it's finding your motive, improving your employment brand, or reading a good book about hiring and recruiting.

How to Recover from a Bad RPO Relationship - The Staffing Stream - Recruitment process outsourcing is a partnership. If the partnership failed, then it's likely that something was wrong with the partnership. A bad RPO relationship doesn't necessarily mean that RPO is bad solution, but only that the relationship with that particular firm was not a good fit. Part of the recovery process, if you're still unsure about engaging in a new RPO relationship, is to start with a smaller project first. If you aren't confident in the processes that are going to be used, or if the RPO firm knows your industry, then starting with a smaller project can answer those questions without committing your entire hiring process or HR department.

Your Talent is Your Brand, So Why Do So Many Treat Talent So Badly - TLNT - As the saying goes, "employees don't leave companies; they leave bosses." Sometimes, those bosses just aren't very good at managing people, even though they were good in their previous position. Other times, they shouldn't have become a boss in the first place, only promoted because they were obedient or a favorite of the manager deciding on the promotions. Those who are obedient or who are the favorite are the bosses who will perpetuate a toxic company culture, and toxic company cultures drive the best employees away as well as treat them horribly before they decide to leave. Talent defines the employment brand, and this includes your best and your worst talent.

Find Your Meaning, Find Your Motive - Method 3 - Employees may leave companies because of their bosses, but they stay with companies that reinforce internal motivations and mean something to their customers. The concept of motivation is moving away from external motivations and toward finding work that matters to people because they believe it matters. The last part can be tricky since it can be easy to take on someone else's meaning as our own, or even to do it blindly because we're told the cause is noble or that this line of work is supposed to have meaning. But finding your own meaning will create its own personal motivation.

Entry-Level Job Negotiations: Negotiate the Salary You Deserve - The RPO Hub - This article is meant for those who are negotiating their salaries for the first time, whether it's the person's first job out of college or if it's the first time that person is working in a salaried position. But, there are tips here that can apply to both amateur and seasoned negotiators. For example, negotiating on the benefits is always a possibility and may be an option if the company isn't willing to negotiate on the pay. Also, you can't pick a number that works for you. You have to consider what competing companies are paying those in similar positions and as well as average salaries across all industries.

Summer Reading: Build Your Professional Bookshelf with These Top Picks - The Seamless Workforce - Looking for a good business book? Then consider the options on this list! The only book that I've read on this list is Lean In, and it's a good read for both men and women. It's important for both genders to understand what they can do to improve leadership equality in the workplace.

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