Video Interviewing, Recruiting for the Skills Gap, & Other RPO News

by Allison Reilly

RPO news recruitingIn just two months, many college seniors will be graduating with newly minted degrees and looking to join the workforce. Many of these seniors may already be looking for work, while others may choose to finish school before starting the job hunt. Whatever the case may be, talent acquisition is more important than ever as the number or potential candidates increases in May and how badly these people are needed to bridge the skills gap. This week's recruiting and hiring news roundup covers the recruitment process, RPO, and how you could bridge the skills gap in your company.

5 Warning Signs to Look For in the Video Interview - The Seamless Workforce - Video interviews are a recruiting trend, but because it's a rather new (albeit growing) trend, conducting an interview is still very new territory. Although you're speaking to someone face-to-face, a video interview is very different from an in-person one, so there are warning signs that are unique to a video interview. This includes the background, or where the person is when participating in the interview, as well as whether or not they are using cue cards.

RPO: Better is Better - Novotus Blog - Like many things in life, bigger is not always better. The same applies to recruitment process outsourcing, where a big RPO provider is not necessarily the best RPO provider. Although a bigger provider may be good at filling, say, a call center or other positions that typically have high turnover rates, a smaller RPO provider can specialize in filling openings that are much tougher to fill. This distinction is important to make as many bigger brands in the recruiting space are looking to add RPO services to their list of offerings as the popularity of outsourcing the recruiting process only increases.

5 Ideas for Recruiting During the "Skills Gap" - The HR Bartender - One in four companies say that their biggest barrier to growth is finding qualified workers to fill their open positions, and this problem is only going to get worse in the coming months and years. Overcoming this hiring challenge means changing our recruitment strategy, and one major change companies can make is building internal training programs. The American Society for Training and Development defines the skills gap as “the gap between an organization’s current capabilities and the skills it needs to achieve its goals.” If you can't find those skills, then create them yourself within your organization.

Talent Acquisition: Money is Muscle - The RPO Hub - Recruiting is a business function. It's much more than human capital or a human resource function. Your people are your best asset, and not having the best people (or not enough people or not having the right people) can cost your business. This is why money is muscle when it comes to talent acquisition. If you invest in your people and in your recruiting process, then you invest in making your company better. After all, investment and using your money wisely is a business solution, and business functions need to have business solutions.

Don't Be Bullied By RPO - The Staffing Stream - No, RPO providers are not "bullies", even if you choose to outsource an entire recruiting process to a provider. RPO is about relationships, and an RPO provider is a partner, not a bully or a conquering coming to take your recruiting process away from you. As a partnership, RPO buyers need to hold their providers accountable to the metrics and goals outlined at the start. Providers, in return, should not only deliver these results but also ensure that the process continues to line up with the buyer's employment brand and company culture.

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