Highly Successful Recruiting, RPO at 10 & Other Hiring News

by Allison Reilly

highly effective recruiting newsWhat does it take to be a great recruiter, or even to find great recruiters for your organization? What does it take to create the results that your clients and colleagues want? This week's hiring and recruiting news roundup answers these questions, outlining some of the best practices and mindsets for successful recruiters, recruiting, and employee engagement.

Thinking Outside the Pool: The Changing Face of Hiring - Method3 - Hiring and recruiting is changing and it's changing almost constantly. If you're waiting for the next change before you implement it, then you are already too late. Instead, be the organization who makes the changes by thinking outside the box when it comes to your hiring process. Focus on a potential employee's fit within your company instead of just the skills and experiences listed on the resume. Consider creating roles for the talent that walks through your door, versus making talent walk through your door that only fits your open positions.

RPO at 10: What It Means for Buyers, Providers, and Results - The RPO Hub - This year is the 10th year that the RPO industry has been in existence, and a lot has changed since its humble beginnings in the early 2000s. Back then, providers needed to educate buyers about recruitment outsourcing. Now, buyers are hungry for recruiting help, asking questions about RPO services and pricing. Providers are also specializing in verticals and delivery options, as more types of organization outsource their recruiting and have unique needs that providers have to meet. Overall, results are better than ever since RPO can be customized to each client, offering a strong positive outlook for the future of the industry.

7 Habits of Highly Effective Recruiters - The Hiring Site - Overall, the best and most effective recruiters in the industry take initiative. They take the initiative to learn about the latest recruiting trends in order to stay ahead of them. They take the initiative to check in early and often with the client, instead of waiting for the client to call or to email first. They take the initiative to respond to calls and emails as soon as possible because they know clients value that initiative. The best recruiters in the industry manage to do more, and to do better, because they make it a point to do so. It's not just innate talent.

The One-Question Employee Engagement Test - HR Bartender - It only takes one simple question to figure out whether or not you have engaged employees: Do you trust them? Executives know the answer to that question, and so do your employees. They aren't stupid. They know whether you trust them or not to do the right thing, to get the job done (and get it done well), and to represent your company well. Trust is about having confidence. If you don't have confidence in your employees, then how can you expect them to have confidence in their co-workers, their leaders, and their employer?

Show Some Workplace Volunteering Love! - China Gorman - Over 85% of employers offer wellness-based incentives, up fro just 29% in 2009. What's even better for health and wellness is volunteering, a benefit that's not necessarily an incentive offered by employers, but is an aspect of company culture and the employment brand that's also good for your employees. Volunteering is good for your mentally, emotionally, and physically, as a whopping 94% of those who volunteered said that taking the time to do so improves their mood. Perhaps one of the most cost-effective wellness benefits is getting your employees out there benefiting the community!

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