Asking for a raise or bargaining for a higher salary is never easy. Every employee wants or needs more money; however, nobody likes to ask for it. It’s common knowledge that talking about money is rude, but what happens if you’re genuinely entitled to receive more? Most employees don’t have the courage to ask for anything in tough scenarios; even if they deserve a raise, they won’t say anything if their company is going through a rough patch.
Not asking for something that you deserve, and fearing to negotiate can have severe consequences in the way we’re being seen by other people. Why should you seem expendable, when your company needs you? Why should they take you for granted? Here are some hot tips to help employees increase their salary prospects.
Pop the question
If you’re attending an interview, negotiating an initial offer is expected. Hiring managers are generally prepared to bargain from the very start. Basically, by not negotiating you lose important sums of cash. Don’t worry though; you’re not the only one doing this. It’s always a good idea to come up with a counter offer. This makes the hiring manager have a clearer image of your personality. The best employees are the finest negotiators – asking for more money doesn’t make you greedy, it makes you a professional, in every sense of the word.
Requests should be centered on future performances, not past experiences
The common company perspective with regards to a higher salary is this: more money is given to the employee who is willing to work more in the foreseeable future. If you want to ask for a raise, do it, but don’t talk about the amount of work you did in the past. Also, it’s not a good idea to mention personal needs, either – kids to raise, new mortgage, etc. Talk about your future plans with the company and about what you can accomplish.
Take non-salary incentives into consideration
There are companies that can’t offer salary raises. Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean they can’t offer some sort of compensation, particularly to employees who deserve it. Depending on the type of work that you do, make an attempt to see if they can improve your benefits package (better working hours, more vacation days, better health insurance, etc). In special cases, employees can even ask for a title increase without having financial expectations.
Negotiate sensibly
Sensible negotiations are advised when looking to get a raise. Don’t take your boss by surprise; set up a meeting and talk about expectations. Be reasonable and if you truly want a salary increase, showcase soundnegotiation techniques. Argument your claims, have a good answer for every question, and prove that you’re a valuable asset to the company.
It’s not easy to bargain for a raise when your negotiation tactics are bad. There are employee who just don’t have the courage to walk up to their boss and ask for a salary increase. How can you advance in your career if you can’t ask for what you deserve? Be reasonable, rational, and straightforward – there’s no shame in wanting to be more appreciated at the workplace; and we must admit sometimes appreciation is linked to financial incentives.
Salary negotiations don’t have to be confrontational
Negotiation is not a war, it’s not a battle between employers and employees. For a successful outcome, you must view a salary negotiation as a partnership instead. Don’t take things personally and be open to suggestions. Just because a company can’t increase your salary with 20% it doesn’t mean they can offer 10% or 15%. It’s good to have a friendly but assertive behavior.
Mastering negotiations is easier said than done. Many employees fear that asking for more will get them fired. That’s certainly not the case, as long as you have an appropriate attitude. You can’t just walk into your boss’s office and demand a raise. Negotiation workshops can help people deal with their fear of bargaining. These programs are meant for shy, introverted individuals who can’t cope in stressful, demanding situations.
Asking for a salary increase is not the most difficult part of a negotiation; getting that bonus is the tricky part. You might as well deserve to be paid more, but if you can’t back up your claims and negotiate, your boss won’t even listen to your demands.
By Christopher Austin and!