Social Media Recruiting, IT Recruiting, and Other RPO News Stories

by Allison Reilly

social media recruiting newsSocial media is the third-largest source for candidates, right behind job boards and employee referrals. Even so, social media recruiting is still an open frontier, with organizations and recruiters learning how to use these networks and how to use these networks well. This week's hiring and recruiting news roundup focuses on social recruiting, while covering a few other topics.

Five LinkedIn Strategies You Haven't Thought of Before - Forbes - Most recruiters know how to use LinkedIn, but this article outlines a few ways to use LinkedIn that can help with hiring and recruiting but may be a bit outside the box. For example, LinkedIn is a good way to find references for potential candidates, references who can contribute additional perspective to an otherwise perfect candidate.

IT Recruiting: How to Find the Best Candidates - The RPO Hub - Job boards and employee referrals may be the most prolific sources of candidates, but in hiring and recruiting (especially IT), it helps to get a little more creative. Besides the most obvious sources, this article highlights methods that are helpful in finding passive candidates and in finding talented IT candidates where they exist online. This includes online communities and social recruiting tools (which aren't to be confused with social networks).

6 Must-Haves For Your Twitter Recruitment Strategy - The Hiring Site - Part of Twitter recruiting, and social media recruiting, is sharing more than just open job positions. It's also about showcasing who you are as an employer, and that's one of the must-haves in Twitter recruiting. Social media recruiting needs to be about the candidates. It needs to be about others, and to be successful on the platform is to share more than job openings, and to share more than your own content through retweets.

Job Seekers Research Companies Before Applying - HR Bartender - Candidates are researching companies before applying, and that is a good thing. After all, you only want to interview and hire people who know a thing or two about your organization. However, if you're not paying attention to what these potential candidates are finding, then you risk losing great people because they don't like what they find about your employment brand online. Over 95% of applicants are influenced by employee-provided reviews & ratings. Your company can make a good impression by having employees leave reviews and ratings about the open position, or about the company itself (presuming that they like working for you).

How Thank You Notes Saved My Business - The Seamless Workforce - The moral of the story: make your customers the hero, especially the best customer. The author did this by sending those customers a handwritten thank you note showing them appreciation for providing feedback and bearing with the business as they work through a product launch. This message may not have much to do with hiring and recruiting, but it does highlight the importance of taking the time to show that you care and that you appreciate someone's time and hardwork.

Putting Candidates to the Test: Serious Challenges for a Serious Business - TLNT - The resume and the interview only say so much about the candidate, and often don't reveal the whole pictures. Some people are just good at writing resumes and giving the right answers in interviews. This is why it's so important to test abilities before making a hire. Note that abilities are tested after the initial interview. Some candidates, particularly those that need to demonstrate creative talents such as writing and graphic design, may be hesitant to show what they can do without a guarantee that you won't take their work for free.

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