What is your biggest hiring challenge?

by Lamees Abourahma


Your hiring challenge can be the result of gaps in leadership.

Do you have a clear vision?  Do you have an Organizational Chart that supports that vision with what you know of today?  Have you declared a business culture based on who you are as a leader?  When hiring, what does each position look like in terms of accountabilities and tasks? 

While a leaders job is not to do all the work it takes to build and execute a hiring system that is inclusive of all of its critical parts, it is your job to identify what is missing, what may be getting in the way and how you are going to build towards a better future.  For most business owners and executives that I work with, their skill set is usually not in hiring, recruiting or even management for that matter.  Otherwise, you would have become a recruiter, HR consultant or hiring manager, right? 

Making critical mistakes in hiring is really common

This is evident through the massive number of HR systems, companies, consultants and coaches in the world.  It might be stated that it is the most difficult part of running or owning a business.  In The EMyth Revisited, Michael Gerber likes to say, it is about the systems, not the people. However, we need people to execute the systems and strategies we develop, don’t we? 

If you have never focused on this area of your business before, then you have had a similar story to the last leader I spoke to… It is after five, you're sitting at your desk, head in hands, wondering what the heck you are going to do next.  You have documented job descriptions, reviewed resumes, interviewed candidates and created an attractive compensation plan.  However, you feel stuck and hopeless with the distinct knowledge that something needs to change, as these hires of yours are just not surviving. 

What do you do about it?

So, how bad is it?  When did you first recognize this?  While we can dwell on our inaction forever, the real question is, "How did this happen? And what can we do to make sure this doesn‘t happen again?"

Realizing how we got into this self-defeating state-- again -- will ensure that we don't repeat the same patterns, play the same tapes and wind up in the same place over and over.  We must stop, think, prioritize and strategize. We need to take a break from just "doing" and start "being" in the moment.  When we continue to just "do" (i.e. react, make knee-jerk decisions, put out fires, run from one task to the next and just do “business as usual,”) we continue to get the same results.  It's time to ask ourselves, "What am I going to do differently this time?" 

First, let’s start with priorities.  With every decision, new opportunity, old issue needing resolution; and with more and more clarity being required at every turn, we need to create mental space to think before doing.  This is going to take time in the beginning, because building time for one activity means taking time away from something else.  What kinds of resources have been created for this area of the business?   Like any other area of the business, time and money will need to be allotted for development, execution and maintenance of this area of the business if you are ever going to achieve satisfactory results. 

There may be many strategies missing in your business or department. However, there are some front-runners that may be stalling or actually killing your hiring and recruiting systems.  If you do not recognize any recruiting or hiring systems being used, I would invite you to look at those leadership systems you may or may not be utilizing first. You cannot expect to hire if you don’t have a clear vision for the organization or department. How do you know what you really need in terms of people resources?  Begin to use your vision to build an Organizational Strategy that highlights the people resources you already have, pin-points what is missing and what may need to be rearranged.  It is a top priority to determine and declare your internal brand, culture and feeling of the organization.  No one else can do this as effectively as you.   

Once you have gathered pertinent data and done the critical leadership work of setting your priorities, examining and stating your business vision, and acknowledging areas of your past hiring methods that have not worked, you will be armed with the necessary information to build a solid hiring and recruiting strategy.  In our upcoming Webinar, “Why bad hiring decisions are made and what can be done”, we will dive into the critical components that any organization needs to be fully systematized.  Join us as we dig deeper into the pieces and parts that will support a solid system that is fully systematized and independent and discuss the options you do have to build out this important area of your organization.  This does not all have to rest on your shoulders, there is help out there. 

Sign up for webinar: "Why bad hiring decisions are made and what can be done"  

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rachel clarkAbout the Author: Rachel has worked as an EMyth Business Coach for 9 years, helping clients transform their business and lives using the tools, methodologies and principles of the EMyth coaching programs. Using her formal education in Marketing and Economics, coupled with years of experience in Executive Recruiting has empowered her to work with clients who are ready to work on their leadership and business. Learn more at: www.synergybusinesscoaching.com

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