RPOA Weekly: Business Strategy and the Role of HR

by Carrie Kolar

In this week’s RPOA Weekly we take a look at the relationship between business strategy and HR, with articles that discuss RPO’s role in executing HR business strategy, how to build an HR business case, and how to get executive support for both HR and RPO.


The Alignment Between Business Strategy and HR – and the Role of RPO in this Paradigm – RPOA - @RPOAssociation

Heads up – HR is no longer a solely administrative function. Instead, it’s becoming an increasingly strategic arm of any business, since it deals with the people that are the lifeblood of any organization. This article investigates how to align HR with business strategy and the value that can result. It then introduces recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) as an option that can help companies address key business drivers and strategic needs. It cites the Advanced RPO’s Business Impact Model as a way that RPO can be directly involved in linking HR and business strategy, and goes into depth explaining the model. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of rooting a company’s talent acquisition within an overall business strategy.

How to Build a Winning HR Business Case for RPO – Yoh - @YohCorporate

RPO is a quickly growing industry, but many organizations are still trying to figure out how RPO services can fit in their overall business strategy. This article recommends four steps that RPO providers and company leaders alike can take when building an HR business case for RPO, including defining your comfort level, addressing obstacles head-on, tying it to an upcoming or ongoing challenge, and identifying the stakeholders that you need to convince that RPO is the right solution for you.

AskAnRPOExpert: Getting Executive Buy-In for RPO – RPOA - @RPOAssociation

For any RPO partnership to be successful, there needs to be executive buy-in. In this article, Accolo CEO John Younger shares his insights into getting the executive team on board for an RPO engagement. Topics include how to approach a C-level HR person who doesn’t think they need RPO, how to sell senior management on a new talent acquisition program, and best practices for establishing and mining a talent pool so that candidates stay interested in upcoming positions. 

It Takes Hard Work for HR to be Accepted as a Partner – TLNT - @TLNT_com

Does your company see HR as a strategic partner, or just a rubber stamp? This article discusses the negative view that business leadership and the rank-and-file alike often have of the HR department, and what HR professionals can do to change their minds. It emphasizes changing the HR mindset, the importance of having an ally or supporter in leadership, and warns that when it comes to being seen as a valuable resource, there is no magic wand that will magically solve HR’s problem.

3 Secrets to Writing a Winning HR Business Case – Yoh - @YohCorporate

Have you ever had trouble getting an HR project funded? You’re not alone. This article begins by highlighting the difficulty HR often has in being seen as a business priority, and goes to on recommend three essential elements of an HR business case that can sway the higher-ups. These include setting simple objectives, personalizing it to the stakeholders, and identifying risks up-front.

planning for an rpo engagement white paper

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