The 23 Major Components of RPO

by Allison Reilly

RPO componentsHave you ever thought of all the steps involved in a recuiting process? Jen Illif, Vice President of Marketing with Novotus, outlined more than 20 different steps of recruiting in a recent webinar presented as part of the RPOA Leadership Forum series. What are these steps and why would outsourcing some or all of them be a good solution to your recruiting needs? 

"Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) has such attractive qualities because there are so many steps along the way where you can drive more efficiency," said Iliff. "When you partner with somebody like an RPO firm, it really gives you the ability to focus in on those individual steps."

An organization's recruiting structure might be unique, but looking at your recruiting in the framework of these 23 core recruiting components can help you evaluate your systems and identify deficiencies. 

"Every company's process is a little bit different, and that's one of the values of RPO," Iliff said. "Working with so many different organizations and seeing all those different structures and what might work well and what might not work so well."

Phase I: Strategy: The beginning determine the end

  1. Create Requisition
  2. Meet with the Hiring Manager (HM)
  3. Create the Job Description - Iliff says that this step, and the previous step, are the two that will really determine how well you do in the end. She says that having these conversations will determine what capabilities the position needs and will impact the success of the other 20 steps.
  4. Build Recruiting Strategy
  5. Post, Publish, and Brand the New Position

    Phase II: Candidate Intake
  6. Begin Sourcing
  7. Screen and Rate Resumes
  8. Communicate to De-selected Candidates
  9. Conduct Phone Screenings
  10. Communicate to De-selected Candidates - "Communicating efficiently and effectively to your candidates through the recruiting process is key to maintaining your employment brand and your organization's brand in the marketplace." Iliff said.

    Phase III: Evaluation 
  11. Present Candidate Slate to HM
  12. Coordinate Interview Scheduling with Candidate & HM
  13. Prep HM with Interview Questions and Evaluation Methods - Not all hiring managers are created equal, so it's critical to prep them with the right questions and with knowledge of what you're looking for in order to choose the best candidate.
  14. Post Interview Debrief with HM to Select Final Candidate
  15. Administer Skills Assessment - Iliff says this step is the bridge between evaluating candidates and processing the paperwork to make sure the chosen candidate checks out.

    Phase IV: Processing
  16. Conduct Background Checks
  17. Conduct Reference Checks
  18. Offer Negotiation and Acceptance
  19. Hire Date Confirmation
  20. Onboarding Begins

    Phase V: Post hire 
  21. Survey HM to Determine Level of Satisfaction on Recruiting Work - "You manage those trends... so you can identify areas of concern that [you] need to reevaluate the process or the people involved with the process," Iliff said.
  22. Scorecard Results for Reporting Back to HR Leadership and C-Suite
  23. Review Quarterly Results and Set Targets of Efficiency and Quality of Hire Improvement

Depending on which part of its recruiting an organization outsource to a recruitment process outsourcing provider, the RPO solution can be categorized as: 

  • Front-end sourcing: RPO drives cnadidates into your recruiting pipeline. An example of this solution is outsoucing steps 1 through 6 above.
  • Selective recruiting: Flexibility and transition expertise allows an RPO to help when needed and allows your recruiters/administrators to own various parts of the process. 
  • Enterprise recruiting: In this end-to-end RPO scenario, the RPO owns all steps of the hiring process with the exception of making the hiring decision (owned by the hiring manager). 

"This is a two-way deal. As much as we need to work together to roll out a program... we have to manage change internally as an RPO provider. " said Cory Kruse, chief operating officer at Novotus. "Your company is different. You do things a little bit differently. Our teams needs to adapt to that."

How do all these steps fit in with RPO services and what an RPO provider can do? Learn more in this webinar: "Fifty Shades of RPO: Loving your RPO partner after the sexy sales team leaves town." 

View Webinar

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