#RPOAWeekly: Best Practices for Selecting an HR Vendor

by Carrie Kolar


Outsourcing some of your human resource functions to one or more external vendors has many advantages- provided you select the right vendor. How do you select the best vendor for your organization and what are some of the mistakes you should avoid? This news roundup of the #RPOAWeekly presents articles that cover topics related to HR vendors and some best practices for selecting and working with them. 

Picking the Right Provider – Human Resource Executive - @HRExecMag

In the world of HR, software and technology upgrades are as inevitable as the rising sun. Depending on the vendor, these upgrades can be a breeze, a chore or a nightmare. This article provides a list of seven steps to avoiding HR-technology buying mistakes, including understanding your firm’s policies before you do anything, researching vendors before engaging them, defining your process and requirements up front, demanding your data up front, and handling the product before you sign the license, among others. The article goes in-depth into each point, using examples and making recommendations to ensure that readers learn from others’ mistakes.

What You Need to Know Before Picking a Vendor – TLNT - @TLNT_com

Upgrades in technology can bring a host of benefits, but do you know what to look for when picking the right vendor? This article suggests eight things that HR departments and executives should look for when selecting a technology vendor, and what they need to know beforehand to be sure their selection is the right one. These need-to-know items include the vendor’s credibility within their field, whether the vendor focuses on services, how the vendor provides additional functionality, how vendors implement their changes and upgrades, the usability and security of the technology, how the vendor provides analytics and reporting, and whether the vendor operates with a customer focus. 

No One Taught Me To Source the Most Honest Vendor – Yoh - @YohCorporate

If your managed service provider rigging the talent game? This article examines what “vendor neutrality” actually means, and how to tell if your MSP is providing a level playing field or weighting your talent deck with its own candidates. It also includes a question-and-answer session to help clients understand the role of the managed service provider, and how they can make sure that their MSP is operating honestly.

Vendor Overlap: Talent Acquisition’s Most Costly Mistake – Newton Talent - @NewtonTalent

Do you have two (or more) vendors doing one job? If so, the redundancy is probably costing you both time and money and reducing your chances of seeing really effective results. This article discusses the negative consequences of vendor overlap, and recommends streamlining strategic processes by consolidating the vendor crowd into one multi-faceted talent acquisition service – recruitment process outsourcing. It reviews the benefits of using a recruitment process outsourcing provider, and ends with the conclusion that a consistent, all-encompassing solution has more strategic value to clients than groups of overlapping solo vendors.

A Check List for Assessing an RPO Partner – RPOA - @RPOAssociation

RPO partnerships can be invaluable your company, but to reap the benefits you need to make sure that you’re partnering with the right provider. This article recommends a list of actions to take when vetting your recruitment process outsourcing provider, including asking for references, expecting transparency in the provider’s operations, methodology and company as a whole, looking for an issue escalation process in place to guide behavior if problems arise, and asking about next steps for your strategic partnership.


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