Top Hiring and Recruiting News of the Week: Talent Acquisition

by Allison Reilly

hiring and recruiting newsThe top hiring and recruiting news of this week seems to revolve around what it takes to find the right candidate, and what “the right candidate” actually means. Are you having trouble finding good candidates? You’re not alone, and hopefully some of these top news stories can offer a few ideas to alleviate your problem.

Wanted: Drug-Free Workers – Wall Street Journal – Thought this was a really interesting article since it seems like these drug test failures are a problem in the oil and gas industries. Is this a problem affecting the hiring and recruiting in other industries? Or, does it only affect certain industries where any drug influence can be a safety hazard?

Top 10 Talent Acquisition Resolutions for 2013 - The Seamless Workforce – Hopefully, you have plans to hire this year. If you do, then you ought to be mindful of these talent acquisition resolutions for this year. They really offer some great things to consider, such as conducting a SWOT analysis of your hiring process, and considering the needs and risks of your contract labor needs.

Are There Really No Good Job Applicants Out There? – Economix – Even though hiring plans and business optimism has weakened for small businesses in 2013, one aspect of hiring and recruiting that hasn’t weekend is that black hole: the gap between applicants and positions. The latest Small Business Optimism Index data from the National Federation of Independent Business found that only three in 10 small businesses had trouble finding qualified applicants in December, versus four in 10 a few months earlier. What’s causing this trend? The article offers a few good theories.

2013 Hiring Trends: Employers Creating the Right Candidate – The Hiring Site – This little news tidbit says that 39% of employers plan to train people who don’t have experience in their particular industry or field, and hire them for positions within their organizations, which is up one percent from the year before. Is this part of your plan? Have you had trouble finding a qualified candidate and are going to take the time to train them instead?

Hiring Secrets from Great Coaches and Other Workplace Myths  - TLNT – Great article about what it takes to find a great candidate and what great candidates can do to your organization. If you find yourself complaining about this problem, read this article, and you’ll probably stop whining. It’s possible that your organization needs to reevaluate its hiring tools and recruiting processes in order to hire better people.

Stick a Fork in Annual Performance Review Systems – China Gorman – Is it performance review time in your company? If so, then perhaps you should skip them this year. If not, you should probably skip it when the time comes. Not only does the data in this article suggest that performance reviews aren’t helpful for employees, but that employees would prefer to receive feedback immediately, or at least weekly. Perhaps there’s a better way to review the performances of your current employees.

Simply Hired Releases 2013 Mobile Recruiting Outlook – Enhanced Online News - Seven out of 10 people are already searching for jobs on mobile devices. Do you have a mobile recruiting strategy? Is your career site and online application process even mobile friendly? Are you wondering how mobile will affect your social media strategy? If you are asking any of these questions, or have other questions about mobile recruiting, then you better download the full whitepaper. It has information covering challenges in mobile recruiting and how employers can leverage mobile technology.

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