The Biggest Challenges of Today's Top Candidates

by Carrie Kolar

To recruit top talent effectively, you need to be able to put yourself in a candidate’s shoes. Where are they looking for jobs? What challenges are they facing? What are they thinking? In this week’s RPOA Weekly, we answer these questions and more as we look at the biggest challenges of today’s top candidates.


5 Top Challenges of Talented Job Seekers – RPOA - @RPOAssociations

Job hunters have a tall order to fill. Find a job you like, that pays well, for a company you want to work for, in a field you enjoy? Those are some hefty requirements, made all the more difficult by the job hunting process itself. This article discusses five of the biggest challenges of job seekers, including that there are too many places to look, job descriptions can be uninformative, it can be hard to find information about a potential employer, lengthy and confusing hiring processes, and not getting feedback from potential employers.

Why Your Next Job Isn’t on a Job Board – Yoh - @YohCorporate

Job boards used to be the be-all and end-all of the job hunting game, but that game has changed. Job boards aren’t the only places to job seekers can go to find job openings and their next big position. This article introduces nine alternatives to the traditional job board that job hunters can use to find their perfect fit. These include LinkedIn, Craigslist, Twitter, niche job boards rather than the massive conglomerate versions, professional organizations and college career offices. Candidates can also call a recruiter, join Google or Yahoo groups, and develop a target list of companies in their preferred geographic area.

The Power of Punctuation – Why It Might Be Costing You Your Next Job – Yoh - @YohCorporate

Your resume is the face, body and soul of your application. It tells prospective employers and recruiters what to expect from you and whether or not to consider you as a candidate. This article emphasizes the importance of proofreading your resume, pointing out that carefully crafting the perfect submission only to submit it with typos or punctuation mistakes is sabotaging your job search. It identifies three negative things that poor punctuation in resumes says about you as a candidate, and suggests tips for avoiding punctuation pitfalls. These include always using spellchecker before submitting your resume, refraining from using exclamation points, and getting your punctuation checked by at least two other people.

5 Tips to Help You Cope With Job Search Rejection – Yoh - @YohCorporate

After all the time and effort you put into your application, getting a rejection letter can be crushing. This article suggests ways to cope with job search rejection, starting with a suggestion to take a deep breath and expanding to five rejection-coping techniques. These include not taking it personally, building perspective, not taking yourself too seriously, creating dialogue and remembering that one company’s rejection is another company’s offer.

Do You Know What Your Candidates Are Thinking – ERE - @ERE_net

In our mobile world, attention spans don’t last much longer than the next meme. Unless your job posting is particularly attention-grabbing or compelling, job hunters will skip to the next option without a second thought. This article presents the top takeaways of the 2015 Talent Board North American Candidate Experience Research Report, which gathers information on candidate experience and thought processes. These takeaways include that most employers are not making a first impression, communication with candidates is very weak and that employers do not offer enough opportunities for candidates to showcase their skills, knowledge and experience.

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