Your Biggest HR Challenge Isn’t Your Only One – Yoh - @YohCorporate
HR wears an amazingly large number of hats. Retention, recruitment, engagement, and culture are all within HR’s purview, and they barely scratch the surface of HR’s responsibilities. This article argues that the biggest problem for HR is that all of these issues are interrelated. Problems do not occur in a vacuum, and HR can’t solve one problem without touching on many others. It suggests that rather than deciding what to solve, HR professionals need to acknowledge the interrelatedness of their issues and decide which aspect they most need to focus on.
The Potential Value of Predictive Analytics in Human Resources – RPOA - @RPOAssociation
Predictive analytics is the use of computer models to analyze data and predict patterns and trends. While HR was historically more focused on human-to-human interaction and judgment, this article suggests that HR could benefit from the use of predictive analytics in its processes, and proposes four ways that predictive analytics can be applied in HR. They include in recruitment, in learning and development, in talent management and retention, and in driving organizational change.
The Cold Hard Truth About the Evolution of HR – Yoh - @YohCorporate
The recession forced companies and people to get used to doing more with less, and HR is no exception. A more-with-less mindset also focused attention and energy on efficiency and return on investment, with the result that many companies realized that retaining recruitment as an in-house function was not an optimal use of the time and resources of their HR departments. This article focuses on how Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) has become the go-to recruitment solution for companies who want a cost-efficient and strategic recruitment solution that allows their HR departments to focus on other issues.
HR’s Real Purpose – SHRM - @WeKnowNext
SHRM recently published a book entitled “Repurposing HR: From a Cost Center to a Business Accelerator.” It focuses on how “eliminating silos and fostering collective thinking can lead HR to improve the performance and productivity of the workforce.” This article gives an inside look at the purpose and thought behind the book by presenting an interview with the author, Carol E.M. Anderson. The interview highlights the essential message of the book, which is that HR needs to adjust its approach and repurpose and rebrand itself to become more effective, valued, and valuable.
Tech Insights: HR Technology that Delight – and Improve Communications – ERE Media - @ERE_net
Technology overhauls and introductions can be the bane of HR departments, as new technology that was intended to make jobs simpler and more effective becomes a complicated nightmare. This article presents an example of HR tech success through the experience of the Houlihan’s restaurant chain. Houlihan’s introduced a company intranet as a way to solve communications issues, but saw unexpected benefits in company morale and operations success. The article explains why Houlihan’s experience was important, and what lessons can be taken from its success.