Managing temporary labor with MSP and VMS - RPOA - @RPOAssociation
Temporary labor is hot and getting hotter – the demand for temporary labor has been rising steadily over the last decade or so, and companies of all sizes have been quick to recognize the value of a less permanent workforce. However, the influx of vendors, temporary workers, and independent contractors has created a massive (and complicated) workload for internal HR. This article examines the uses of managed services providers (MSP) for taking the load of off of HR, and the ways vendor management systems (VMS) to streamline and centralize the various aspects of managing a company’s vendors and temporary workers.
Ready. Set. Deploy. The MSP Comes of Age - Yoh - @YohCorporate
Managed Service Providers (MSP) were once considered an option – now they’re considered essential. Increased pressure to control spending and increasingly strict compliance requirements mean that companies now turn to experts to manage their temporary workforce. However, how do companies know which MSPs to pick, how to utilize them to best effect, and ensure that the best talent is brought on? This article presents a checklist of best practices for staffing professionals to optimize the onboarding and deployment of their organizational support.
Rethinking Vendor Management Systems - SHRM - @WeKnowNext
The complexities of managing outside or temporary workers are constantly evolving, and vendor management systems need to evolve with them. The move towards project-based hiring, increased compliance scrutiny, and the need to for analyzable data to support company decisions mean that companies are taking a long, hard look at their current vendor management systems. This article describes some key criteria to use in deciding whether to stay with a current management system or look elsewhere. It examines the importance of easily integrating with existing systems, the robustness of data reporting and analytics, vendor neutrality, and being able to support statement-of-work contracting.
Hate Your VMS? Maybe It’s Not The Tool But How You Use It - Staffing Industry Analyst - @execforum
There’s often a disconnect between how companies complain about with their VMS systems and how much they understand – and use – what they have. While there is a great deal of grumbling about VMS systems, VMS system providers complain in turn that the companies who use their systems often don’t use them to their full potential. This article looks into the VMS system capabilities and how they are used, with the understanding that despite their difficulties, interest in VMS systems continues to strengthen worldwide.
How to Benefit From A Managed Staff Program - Yoh - @YohCorporate
A large percentage of temporary workers in the workforce is the “new norm.” Managing the temporary workers in your company, however, takes thought, foresight, and a good managed staff program. This article walks the reader through what it calls the “Four Cs of Managed Staffing,” four things to consider when selecting a managed service provider and setting up a program. These four Cs encourage companies to consider the company culture, program complexity, compliance, and cost when setting up their programs. It also warn readers about the pitfalls of focusing on only one of the Cs at the beginning of a program – while a program run on one “C” can begin well, a program needs to address all four to be beneficial in the long term.