Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) services can seem incredibly confusing to anyone who is not familiar with these emerging solutions. The RPO industry is not yet standardized, especially when it comes to services. Providers use different terminology to describe services, and different providers offer all or a subset of these services. This makes it challenging both for RPO providers and customers.
In this series of blog posts, we will provide an overview of the types of engagements between an RPO provider and a customer, as well as provide some common terminology on RPO services, both for customers and providers. We will cover five (5) different RPO engagements; these are: (1) Enterprise RPO (long-term company-wide, and job/location specific), (2) short term project RPO, (3) point-of-service/limited RPO, (4) consulting RPO, (5) emerging RPO services. This article is the first in the series and will cover the first type of RPO services: Enterprise RPO. For a complete overview of this topic, listen to Matt Rivera in this RPOA Leadership Forum presentation: RPO Core Services: It's not one-size fits all.
Enterprise recruitment process outsourcing, also known as full service RPO or fully outsourced RPO, is the company-wide outsourcing of all or most of the recruiting functions. An RPO provider, in this case, would be taking over responsibility and accountability for all elements of sourcing. Accountability is crucial for enterprise RPO because the provider designs, from beginning to end, a program that will meet the needs of the customer. It’s also crucial because the RPO provider is also responsible for managing resources and meeting certain metrics defined for, and with, the customer..
"Fully outsourced is the key term here," said Matt Rivera, director of customer services at Yoh. "What you want to make sure you're buying is outsourced service and that you're okay with all that comes with it." If a company-wide outsourcing of your recruiting is what you're interested in, then there are two types of enterprise RPO that you should consider:
Obviously, completely outsourcing your recruiting function isn’t ideal for everyone. Outsourcing all or most of your recruiting functions is huge for both the customer and provider. The types of customers that would be best suited for enterprise RPO, or who would most benefit from a company-wide outsourcing would include:
"One of the key things we stress in this type of engagement is that [the customers] are very familiar and comfortable with outsourcing," Rivera said. "This is outsourcing, in some part, what the HR organization does. They need be comfortable with this as part of their strategy and as it fits in with their culture." Rivera said that companies have tried to do this when they weren't comfortable, only to back peddle and to take on more responsibility. This limits the effectiveness of the RPO solution.
If jumping in completely or outsourcing everything right away doesn't fit your company culture, or if it seems like too much too fast, then you can start with a smaller engagement then scale up the solution. That's much easier to coordinate from both perspectives (customer and provider) than the other way around, especially since enterprise RPO is meant to handle a large, sustained recruiting need.
In our next blog series, we'll cover the other type of RPO services. To learn more about enterprise RPO, or the other recruitment process outsourcing engagements that providers offer, then view this hour-long webinar now.