The RPO Voice: Insights for the RPO Marketplace

Closing the Talent Gap, Recruiting Performance and More RPO News

Written by Allison Reilly | Fri, Jun 27,2014 @ PM

Closing the talent gap, or the black hole in recruitment, is a matter of ensuring candidates have the right skills. However, closing the talent gap is also a matter of knowing what's necessary for each position and consider the possibility that you're losing great talent during your recruiting process. In this week's hiring and recruiting news roundup, we cover ideas on how to close the gap with education and how to evaluate your recruiting performance in the process.

Dude, Where's Your College Degree? How Education is Impacting Employment - The Hiring Site - Not only do hiring managers prefer candidates with a college education, but nearly one in five companies have increased the educational requirements for various job positions over the past five years. Positions that used to be good enough for a high school graduate or a college dropout aren't considered good enough anymore. Also, even if the requirements haven't changed, many hiring managers will hire a college graduates if they have the chance.

How to Measure Your Recruiting Performance (Part 1 of 2) - The RPO Hub - Measuring your recruiting performance isn't as easy as it it sounds. Companies need much more than recruiting metrics to measure performance. They also need goals, an infrastructure for collecting data, and a final plan for the data in order to measure recruiting performance accurately and make the right improvements. This article illustrates how to set recruiting goals (where you want your metrics to be), how to create and choose your metrics, and what you need to collect the data necessary to determine those metrics.

Closing the Talent Gap Through Practical Education - Accolo - Employers can't expect an 18-year-old to understand what's available and in existence in the world, which is why this article recommends that employers work with educators to set up the right training and education programs. It's hard to fill those jobs in the transportation industry if college students aren't aware of the industry, its jobs and what's needed to be successful in those jobs. Part of the problem also is encouraging college students to start their job hunts earlier. Recruiting to graduating seniors is great, but if they already don't have the skills then the hire is tough to make. Take the time to talk to sophomore and juniors, who still have time to develop the right skills.

The Power of Trust. How to Build Trust in the Workplace - Method 3 - Trust is incredibly important in the workplace. Employees don't want to be treated like children. They want to be trusted to do the best job possible, and although some may abuse that trust, most employees won't. The great thing about trust, from a management perspective, is that it allows the opportunity to let go. Let go of micromanaging and worrying about every detail. Instead, that time can be used to make more important and strategic decisions.

More Employers Not Hiring Due to What They Find on Social Media - TLNT - Not only did half of employers reject candidates because of something they found on social media, but employers are searching more sites than before (and more employers are searching) as part of their background checks. Besides Facebook and Twitter, they are looking at Yelp, Glassdoor and normal Google search results for information. The top reason candidates were rejected was because of provocative or inappropriate information they found online. Other reasons include bad-mouthing their previous company, posting discriminatory comments, or revealing confidential information about their previous company.